
Ram memory pictures
Ram memory pictures

Some rams will live happily side by side, while others will constantly butt heads and ram one another in an ongoing bid for dominance. Rams can live together, but it depends on the individuals in question. Image Credit: Pixabay Can Two Rams Live Together? Ensure that your rams have a good diet and be sure to provide them with a high energy diet before breeding season. Those with larger testicles produce more sperm, so you can only increase fertility so much. Whether you want to breed to increase the size of your flock, sell lambs, or for any other purpose, you need a fertile ram. Ensure that you spend time around your ram, but you should avoid trying to turn him into a pet. However, you can set up the right conditions to minimize the risk. It is difficult to train this behavior out of a ram because it is an instinct. However, it can be a problem if your ram is butting and charging everything that enters the yard. The male sheep is known for this behavior, and it is natural. Image Credit: Pixabay TrainingĪs somewhat of a giveaway from the name, you should always expect some amount of ramming. This isn’t the case with all rams, but no matter how sweet and kind one of your stock of rams is, you should always be prepared for them to become aggressive. So, you should try and keep interaction with the ewes to a minimum. A ram may also turn on people or things that they view as a threat and/or see with their ewes. They will fight with other rams for the right to mate, and if they feel threatened, a ram may turn on a person, dog, or any other animals or visitors to the farm. They can be aggressive, especially when it is mating season and they are around ewes that are in heat. On average, a farmer will keep one ram for every 100 ewes in his flock, although this ratio can vary from 1:50 to 1:150.

ram memory pictures

Stud rams must be able to produce semen and those with a high production will earn more.

ram memory pictures ram memory pictures

Rams may also be kept as stud rams, whereby their semen is sold to farmers and breeders or they are encouraged to impregnate ewes. A farmer requires both ewes and rams if they wish to breed lambs for the meat, or if they want to extract milk from the sheep. The ram is a male sheep, aged 12 months or over.

Ram memory pictures