
Cool halloween video shorts
Cool halloween video shorts

cool halloween video shorts cool halloween video shorts

Just a tad bit creepy, this ad for major UK retailer Asda is a fun, mesmerizing, high-production value trip down memory lane, thanks to the musical selection and classic costumes. This ad for Halos tangerines uses a common horror film trope – creepy identical twins à la Stephen King’s The Shining – to scare us, and then a hilarious end that (thankfully) relieves the nail-biting tension. How many dolls does it take to inspire a few nightmares? This little girl isn’t ready to find out. Add the behind-the-scenes footage of the making of this death-defying elevator, and you’ve got a killer video perfect for the season. Kudos to LG! This creative prank is not only filled with the perfect dose of frightful Halloween spirit, it also does an amazing job showcasing the hyper-realism of their LED screens. Check out some of the best video marketing campaigns we’ve seen and start thinking creatively about how you can use video this time of year. With Halloween just around the corner, we thought we’d give you a little inspiration. Annual Halloween expenditure alone amounts to approximately $9.1 billion, so if you’re looking for a year-end boost in sales, this is one of the best times to invest in a good video marketing campaign. Halloween means not only an uptick in scary movies and shows, but an uptick in outrageous, scary, and sometimes funny horror-themed video ads. Was it your imagination, or just a scary commercial playing during your favorite series? You’re home alone when suddenly – the lights flicker and you hear a loud crash.

Cool halloween video shorts